Wednesday, November 17, 2004

i got free lunch.

went to the binders gallery today to see our courtyard design...thrid place! yipee! hey, i mean, we totally threw it together, and we won 3rd. i walked in there, like i knew what i was doing (i havent been to binders since my move to CO), and broswed through all the designs. as i was studying one of them, this guy, who is apparently the owner of binders, asks me if i want a free lunch. a few of the employees had jason's deli there...and they totally gave me a sandwich! yay! of course, they only offered when i said that i wasn't able to make it to the party friday, but i had worked with the team that won 3rd place. so yeah, i got a free lunch. how cool is that?

yes, it was a slow day. but i'm going to choose to enjoy the little things in life. hehe

took a two hour nap *sigh* (only slept for under 4 hours last night, so it isn't so lazy afterall ;-))

okay, explain the whole "please be cocky and goof off wihle you're on the clock" concept. somebody, please...i'm dyin' here.

i'm really craving hot chicken wings right now, thanks to nick. but now i'm also scared to drive. hilarious story, no?

retail idea that is becoming more familiar and more intriguing every day. i'm not sure that i have the "advertising" type of personality, but i think i could definitley design it. i read today that 70% of a customer's decision to purchase an item is made inside the store. that makes loads of sense, but i never really thought about it. that means that less than 30% of outside advertising is effective in twisting someone's arm.

the color red increases your appetite. by instinct, the colors yellow and black in a combination cause people to pull back. explain anything about GT? *wink*


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