Friday, October 08, 2004


got another job today at Longhorn Steakhouse. i'm excited...but at the same time overwhelemed by all the new responsibilities that will be headed my way next week. my weekend has already pretty much filled up by now.
my mom took me on a shopping spree for my birthday tonight. i came home with some new clothes, and lots of little accessories that were CHEAP on sale. *grin* it was nice b/c i am really low on money and need new clothes for jobs, etc.
someone please explain to me why on EARTH the constitution party even exists (along with all those other meaningless parties). they are completely void of REASON and COMMON SENSE. it's either going to be bush or kerry. get over it! vote for the "lesser evil." i would rather my vote count toward something. *sigh*
alright...i've only got a few precious days left before the chaos begins.


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