Tuesday, November 30, 2004


elegant. so many design concepts for that one single word. eliminating to find the best fit for my "retail space" is the hard part. gosh, why does brainstorming have to be so fun? i could totally get carried away...but then i have to get down to the technical part...the practical, tangible, organizational concepts. which is also fun...it just tends to squash my creativity (or atleast bring me back down to reality :-p).

people, i just realized there's only two weeks left of classes. which is very relieving...yet completely overwhelming. (you mean i have to get THAT done in two weeks?!) time to buckle down and get busy. *forsees* late nights...red bull...double shots (of the espresso sort *wink*)...foam core...lol....must everything involve foam core?

**Brian's State Song is the BESTEST
**the cowboy is disturbing.
**"he's so the guster mom."
**"you made us play in your living room."
**"isn't that where you **** uncontrollably?"
**"you wouldn't believe what just happened in here."
**"i'm thinking: ALERT! ALERT! Red, yellow....maybe some orange...flash, flash, flash."
**Brian...the fruit roll up...the coffee table....

go see Guster on Ice. You won't regret it. :-p


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