Monday, January 03, 2005

I just love people.

let me complain for just a minute here. there are lots of ways to get me ticked off while working with me...
1-complain about having to wait on a table b/c you are enjoying yourself too much talking with friends. i care??? i'm just doing my job.
2-try to get the guy at the closest section to take the table for you...nevermind that he already has 5 tables and is behind. i guess your friends are more important than his sanity.
3-complain to my coworker, "when i say no more tables, i mean it"...when you never actually said it in the first place and you're just trying to validate your raunchy attitude.
*sigh* she's so not my favorite.
oh, and..
4-follow me around and flirt with me. i don't think it's funny, and i don't care if you do or not. i'm not there to entertain you...and just because i'm nice to you dosen't give you a license to bug me.
ok, well, he's not all that bad as long as he's minding his own business.

it's not a bad job...i usually enjoy it. i just find that people can be extremely irritable and it's contagious.

done with the whining...thanks.

i got an awesome sweater at Target today on the sales rack.



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